HP Operations Manager. Smart Plug-ins для приложений

Замечание Очевидно, что устанавливать SPI для того или иного приложения нужно по мере необходимости в управлении этим приложением. Устанавливать SPI неиспользуемых приложений и, тем более, пытаться использовать соответствующие инструменты и политики на управляемых объектах в промышленной системе не разумно

HPOM Smart Plug-in for Databases

В графическом режиме, как пользователь root подключить диск с SPI и запустить программу-установщик:

[root@hpom ~]# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt
[root@hpom ~]# /mnt/HP_Operations_Smart_Plug-ins_Linux_setup.bin

После выбора языка программы-установщика и прочтения лицензионного соглашения выделить необходимые компоненты DBSPI и нажать кнопку “Next”. Например:

  • HP Operations Smart Plug-In for Oracle
  • HP Operations Smart Plug-In for MSSQL Server

По завершению установки нажать кнопку “Done”. Изучить файлы журналов установки (/var/opt/OV/log/SPIInstallLogs) на предмет ошибок.

После установки DBSPI на сервер HPOM, необходимо выполнить следующие процедуры:

  1. Отредактировать параметры ответственности для пользователя консоли Java GUI
  2. Назначить пользователю консоли Java GUI соответствующие инструменты
  3. Добавить узел(узлы) в группу узлов и установить инструменты
  4. Назначить группе узлов политики из SPI для СУБД Oracle
  5. Настроить подключение к БД

В Administrator UI (для Oracle):

  • OMU (Toolbar) → All Users → Меню действий для opc_adm → Edit Responsibilities → Edit View → Добавить группу узлов Oracle (UNIX), добавить группы сообщений DBSPI → OK
  • Отметить для группы узлов Oracle (UNIX) сообщения группы DBSPI → Save
  • OMU (Toolbar) → All Tools Groups → Отметить DB-SPI → Chooose an action (Assign To User/Profile..) → opc_adm → OK
  • OMU (Toolbar) → All Node Groups → Отметить Oracle (UNIX) → Chooose an action (Assign Nodes) → Выбрать узлы-серверы СУБД Oracle (UNIX и Linux) → OK
  • Опять отметить Oracle (UNIX) → Chooose an action (Deploy configuration) → Выбрать только “Distribute Instrumentation” → OK
  • OMU (Toolbar) → All Node Groups → Oracle (UNIX) → Chooose an action (Assign Policies) → Locate: Policy Groups; Name (contains): DBSPI → Filter → …Ora-Quick Start Remote/DBSPI (UNIX) → OK
  • То же самое для DatabaseServiceDiscovery
  • OMU (Toolbar) → All Node Groups → Oracle (UNIX) → Chooose an action (Deploy Configuration) → Выбрать всё → OK

Для настройки подключения к БД на управляемом узле-сервере СУБД:

  • Создать пользователя hp_dbspi с необходимыми правами
  • Запустить сценарий настройки подключения к БД
  • Проверить работу DBSPI на управляемом узле
  • Продолжить настройку добавлением необходимых политик

Выполнить SQL-команды как пользователь system:

drop user hp_dbspi;
create user hp_dbspi identified by "hp_dbspi"
default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp;
grant create session to hp_dbspi;
grant alter session to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_2PC_NEIGHBORS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_2PC_PENDING to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_ANALYZE_OBJECTS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_AUDIT_EXISTS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_AUDIT_OBJECT to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_AUDIT_SESSION to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_AUDIT_STATEMENT to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_CATALOG to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_CLU_COLUMNS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_CLUSTER_HASH_EXPRESSIONS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_CLUSTERS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_COL_COMMENTS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_COL_PRIVS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_COLL_TYPES to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_CONS_COLUMNS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_CONSTRAINTS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_DATA_FILES to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_DB_LINKS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_DEPENDENCIES to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_DIRECTORIES to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_ERRORS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_EXP_FILES to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_EXP_OBJECTS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_EXP_VERSION to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_EXTENTS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_FREE_SPACE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP1 to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED_TMP2 to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_HISTOGRAMS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_IND_COLUMNS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_IND_PARTITIONS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_INDEXES to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_JOBS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_JOBS_RUNNING to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_LIBRARIES to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_LOBS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_METHOD_PARAMS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_METHOD_RESULTS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_NESTED_TABLES to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_OBJ_AUDIT_OPTS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_OBJECT_SIZE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_OBJECT_TABLES to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_OBJECTS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_PART_COL_STATISTICS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_PART_HISTOGRAMS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_PART_INDEXES to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_PART_KEY_COLUMNS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_PART_TABLES to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_PENDING_TRANSACTIONS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_PRIV_AUDIT_OPTS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_PROFILES to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_QUEUE_SCHEDULES to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_QUEUE_TABLES to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_QUEUES to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_RCHILD to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_REFRESH to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_REFRESH_CHILDREN to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_REFS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_REPCATLOG to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_RESUMABLE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_RGROUP to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_ROLE_PRIVS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_ROLES to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_ROLLBACK_SEGS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_SEGMENTS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_SEQUENCES to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_SNAPSHOT_LOG_FILTER_COLS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_SNAPSHOT_LOGS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_SNAPSHOT_REFRESH_TIMES to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_SNAPSHOTS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_SOURCE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_STMT_AUDIT_OPTS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_SYNONYMS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_SYS_PRIVS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_TAB_COL_STATISTICS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_TAB_COLUMNS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_TAB_COMMENTS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_TAB_HISTOGRAMS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_TAB_PARTITIONS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_TAB_PRIVS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_TABLES to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_TABLESPACES to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_TRIGGER_COLS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_TRIGGERS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_TS_QUOTAS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_TYPE_ATTRS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_TYPE_METHODS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_TYPES to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_UPDATABLE_COLUMNS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_USERS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_VIEWS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on FILEXT$ to hp_dbspi;
grant select on SYS.DEFTRAN to hp_dbspi;
grant select on SYS.DEFERROR to hp_dbspi;
grant select on SYS.FET$ to hp_dbspi;
grant select on SYS.FILE$ to hp_dbspi;
grant select on SYS.FILEXT$ to hp_dbspi;
grant select on SYS.OBJ$ to hp_dbspi;
grant select on SYS.SEG$ to hp_dbspi;
grant select on SYS.SYS_DBA_SEGS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on SYS.SYS_OBJECTS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on SYS.TS$ to hp_dbspi;
grant select on SYS.UNDO$ to hp_dbspi;
grant select on SYS.USER$ to hp_dbspi;
grant execute on SYS.DBMS_SPACE_ADMIN to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$_LOCK to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$ACCESS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$ACTIVE_INSTANCES to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$AQ1 to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$ARCHIVE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$ARCHIVE_DEST to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$ARCHIVED_LOG to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$BACKUP to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$BACKUP_CORRUPTION to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$BACKUP_DATAFILE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$BACKUP_DEVICE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$BACKUP_PIECE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$BACKUP_REDOLOG to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$BACKUP_SET to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$BGPROCESS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$BH to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$BUFFER_POOL to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$CIRCUIT to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$CLASS_PING to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$COMPATIBILITY to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$COMPATSEG to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$CONTROLFILE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$CONTROLFILE_RECORD_SECTION to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$COPY_CORRUPTION to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$CURRENT_BUCKET to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$DATABASE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$DATAFILE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$DATAFILE_COPY to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$DATAFILE_HEADER to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$DB_OBJECT_CACHE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$DB_PIPES to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$DBFILE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$DBLINK to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$DELETED_OBJECT to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$DISPATCHER to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$DISPATCHER_RATE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$DLM_CONVERT_LOCAL to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$DLM_CONVERT_REMOTE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$DLM_LATCH to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$DLM_LOCKS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$DLM_MISC to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$ENABLEDPRIVS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$ENQUEUE_LOCK to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$EVENT_NAME to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$EXECUTION to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$FILE_PING to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$FILESTAT to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$FIXED_TABLE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$FIXED_VIEW_DEFINITION to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$GLOBAL_TRANSACTION to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$INDEXED_FIXED_COLUMN to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$INSTANCE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$LATCH to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$LATCH_CHILDREN to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$LATCH_MISSES to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$LATCH_PARENT to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$LATCHHOLDER to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$LATCHNAME to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$LIBRARYCACHE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$LICENSE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$LOADCSTAT to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$LOADPSTAT to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$LOADTSTAT to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$LOCK to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$LOCK_ACTIVITY to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$LOCK_ELEMENT to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$LOCKED_OBJECT to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$LOCKS_WITH_COLLISIONS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$LOG to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$LOG_HISTORY to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$LOGFILE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$LOGHIST to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$MTS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$SHARED_SERVER_MONITOR to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$MYSTAT to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$NLS_PARAMETERS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$NLS_VALID_VALUES to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$OBJECT_DEPENDENCY to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$OFFLINE_RANGE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$OPEN_CURSOR to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$OPTION to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$PARAMETER to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$PQ_SESSTAT to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$PQ_SLAVE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$PQ_SYSSTAT to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$PQ_TQSTAT to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$PROCESS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$PWFILE_USERS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$QUEUE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$RECENT_BUCKET to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$RECOVER_FILE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$RECOVERY_FILE_STATUS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$RECOVERY_LOG to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$RECOVERY_PROGRESS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$RECOVERY_STATUS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$REQDIST to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$RESOURCE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$RESOURCE_LIMIT to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$ROLLSTAT to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$ROWCACHE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$ROWCACHE_PARENT to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$ROWCACHE_SUBORDINATE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$SESS_IO to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$SESSION to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$SESSION_CONNECT_INFO to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$SESSION_CURSOR_CACHE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$SESSION_EVENT to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$SESSION_LONGOPS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$SESSION_OBJECT_CACHE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$SESSION_WAIT to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$SESSTAT to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$SGA to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$SGASTAT to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$SGA_DYNAMIC_COMPONENTS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$SHARED_POOL_RESERVED to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$SHARED_SERVER to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$SORT_SEGMENT to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$SORT_USAGE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$SQL to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$SQL_BIND_DATA to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$SQL_BIND_METADATA to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$SQL_CURSOR to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$SQL_SHARED_MEMORY to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$SQLAREA to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$SQL_PLAN to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$SQLTEXT to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$SQLTEXT_WITH_NEWLINES to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$STATNAME to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$SUBCACHE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$SYSSTAT to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$SYSTEM_CURSOR_CACHE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$SYSTEM_EVENT to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$SYSTEM_PARAMETER to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$TABLESPACE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$THREAD to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$TIMER to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$TRANSACTION to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$TRANSACTION_ENQUEUE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$TYPE_SIZE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$VERSION to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$WAITSTAT to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V$ROLLNAME to hp_dbspi;
grant select on GV_$INSTANCE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$ROLLNAME to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$TEMPFILE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on GV_$SYSSTAT to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$FILE_CACHE_TRANSFER to hp_dbspi;
grant select on GV_$ARCHIVED_LOG to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$ARCHIVED_LOG to hp_dbspi;
grant select on GV_$ARCHIVE_DEST to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$ARCHIVE_DEST to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_LOGSTDBY_PROGRESS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_LOGSTDBY_LOG to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$DATABASE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$ARCHIVE_DEST_STATUS to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$RECOVERY_FILE_DEST to hp_dbspi;
grant select on SYS.DEFTRAN to hp_dbspi;
grant select on SYS.DEFERROR to hp_dbspi;
grant select on SYS.DBA_REPCATLOG to hp_dbspi;
grant select on V_$STREAMS_POOL_ADVICE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_CAPTURE to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_PROPAGATION to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_APPLY to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_APPLY_ERROR to hp_dbspi;
grant select on DBA_APPLY_PROGRESS to hp_dbspi;

Выполнить сценарий настройки подключения к БД:

[root@database ~]# . /var/opt/OV/bin/instrumentation/dbspisetpath
[root@database /]# dbspicfg.sh

Добавить строки в файл подключения (пример):

 HOME "/usr/oracle/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1"
 DATABASE "HPOM" CONNECT "hp_dbspi/hp_dbspi"